ParentEdge Blog

Everything about SchoolEdge Mobile and ParentEdge.

EdCon 2015!

The ParentEdge team had a great time at EdCon 2015!  The ParentEdge application with automated homework text messaging was a hit!  It was really nice speaking with everyone we met.  The experience was top notch.  We would like to thank MASSP for putting on an incredible show that allowed for us to connect with many different educators from around the great state of Michigan.  It was especially a pleasure speaking to people from around the metro Detroit area where we are based out of.  It is our hope that ParentEdge will soon become a household name in the state of Michigan.  You can see some of the pictures from our experience.  Everyone loved the cookies!  Thanks again to everyone we spoke with.  We will be in touch soon about ParentEdge and how automatic homework text messaging can help your school communicate with parents.